Your Website

Firstly, your website must deliver informative and valuable content for your customers to return. To guarantee website success for example, a quarterly newsletter and regular knowledge articles are good examples of what your customers will expect.

Next, certain features are essential for every business website to succeed such as, clear navigation with a logical, easy to follow roadmap. In addition, your contact details must always be up to date and complete.

Testing and delivering a mobile ready website is important. Consequently, smart phones and tablets require special consideration. Likewise, a responsive website design delivers fluid width for the pages on each device.

Call to Action (CTA) must feature on your website to encourage customers to take immediate action, such as, press a button, tick a box, make a call or complete a form.

Your Online Presence

As a business owner, you make informed choices, continually changing priorities to strengthen your online presence. For instance, the website is the hub of any digital marketing strategy. Also, investing in a website that reflects your company values, is a major consideration.

Your successful website will improve communication between you and your customers. Above all, your website is important and it is a good idea to monitor websites using a website tool click  here

Your Website Success

To illustrate, existing customers now have a new easy route to find you, enabling to reach out to more potential customers. Similarly, the newly created brand will strengthen, as you increase your growing reputation and credibility.

Let’s clarify, customer satisfaction is a key factor to the success of  your business . Additionally, 24 hour website availability is a great new business asset to support your customers.

As your business grows online, your needs will change

As a newly formed business, with no previous online presence or website. The owner wants to move quickly and introduce the new product or service to the marketplace.

An established business, with a live website , now needs an urgent upgrade. Further, there is no set budget and no immediate desire for the implementation of a digital marketing strategy.

A struggling business, has a tarnished reputation with disappointed customers who no longer have confidence in the website security.  Initially, the company decided to save costs and manage their own website in house, which resulted in downtime, disruption and security data breaches.

A focused business, has identified growth as it’s main goal. Is a successful website alone enough to guarantee increase growth ? After various meetings, management agree to develop a full digital marketing strategy with a budget and growth targets.

Fast growing businesses, are choosing to build launch pad websites. For instance, using data collected which enables meaningful improvements to design and content based on facts not assumptions. The launch pad phase sits between the strategy phase and the continuous improvement phase. Here, it’s all about quickly building a website that looks and performs better than the website you have today.

Your Maintenance Checklist

  • Make sure you test your whole website annually and after each update.
  • Test your website forms and checkout process quarterly and after each update.
  • Apply security updates and bug fixes monthly.
  • Renew your domain name annually.
  • Renew webhosting annually.
  • Check backups/restores validated and tested quarterly.
  • Test browser compatibility.
  • Renew SEO and Analytics reports monthly.
  • SSL Certificate test and renewal.
  • Review content and check it is up to date.
  • Test your website loading speed after every update.
  • Update pictures and graphics annually or after upgrade.

Choose RohaWeb to help you on your journey

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